Alyssa Sheinmel

Buy Faceless...
ISBN: 9781910655191
Published: Jan 07 2016
ISBN: 9781910655351
Published: Jan 07 2016
Step, breath. Step, breath.
My best friend, Serena, doesn’t understand why I run. She said once that of all the different forms of working out, she thought running seemed like the absolute worst. The most punishing. Of course, Serena does yoga.
Step, breath. Step, breath.
As far as I’m concerned, nothing feels better than a run, especially on a morning like this. It’s early; the fog is still hanging heavy over the bay. I have the town almost to myself – just me and the dog walkers and the deliverymen, all of us making our way through the thick morning air. It’s almost May, but at this hour it’s barely in the fifties.
About the book
When Maisie is burnt in a terrible accident, her face is partially destroyed. She's lucky enough to get a face transplant, but how do you live your life when you can't even recognize yourself any more? She was a runner, a girlfriend, a good student ... a normal girl. Now, after a single freak accident, all that has changed.
As Maisie discovers how much her looks did and didn't shape her relationship to the world, she has to redefine her own identity, and figure out what 'lucky' really means.
Wonder for a YA audience: lyrically written and gripping.
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Alyssa Sheinmel
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