The Kill Order (The Maze Runner series: Prequel)
James Dashner

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ISBN: 9781909489431
Published: Jun 20 2014
ISBN: 9781908435590
Published: Dec 12 2013
Mark shivered with cold, something he hadn’t done in a long time.
He’d just woken up, the first traces of dawn leaking through the cracks of the stacked logs that made up the wall of his small hut. He almost never used his blanket. He was proud of it – it was made from the hide of a giant elk he’d killed just two months ago – but when he did use it, it was for the comfort of the blanket itself, not so much for warmth. They lived in a world ravaged by heat, after all. But maybe this was a sign of change; he actually felt a little chilled by the morning air seeping through those same cracks as the light. He pulled the furry hide up to his chin and turned to lie on his back, belting out a yawn for the ages.
Alec was still asleep in the bunk on the other side of the hut – all of four feet away – and snoring up a storm. The older man was gruff, a hardened former soldier who rarely smiled. And when he did, it usually had something to do with rumbling gas pains in his stomach. But Alec had a heart of gold.
About the book
When sun flares hit the Earth, intense heat, toxic radiation and flooding followed, wiping out much of the human race.
Those who survived live in basic communities in the mountains, hunting for food. For Mark and his friends, surviving is difficult, and then an enemy arrives, infecting people with a highly contagious virus.
Thousands die, and the virus is spreading. Worse, it’s mutating, and people are going crazy.
It’s up to Mark and his friends to find the enemy – and a cure – before the Flare infects them all …
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James Dashner
The Kill Order (The Maze Runner series: Prequel) in the news
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