The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Riddle of Ages (book 4)
Trenton Lee Stewart

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ISBN: 9781913322007
Published: Apr 02 2020
In a city called Stonetown, on a quiet street of spacious old houses and gracious old trees, a young man named Reynie Muldoon Perumal was contemplating a door. The door, currently closed, belonged to his study on the third floor of one of those houses – in this case a grey-stoned edifice half covered in ivy, with a magnificent elm tree in its courtyard and, surrounding the courtyard, an old iron fence quite overgrown with roses. From his study window Reynie might easily have been looking out upon that tree or those flowers, or he might have lifted his gaze to the sky, which on this fine spring morning was a lovely shade of 1 BS Riddle of Ages pages_Chicken House 16/01/2020 14:21 Page 1 cobalt blue. Instead, he sat at his desk in an attitude of attention, staring at the door, wondering who in the world could be standing on the other side.
About the book
The New York Times bestselling series returns for a triumphant fourth adventure!
After starring in three adventures, the inimitable quartet of Reynie, Sticky, Kate, and Constance haven’t had a mission together in some time. But with the arrival of a new Society member – and a new threat – they must reunite to face dilemmas more dangerous than ever before, including the return of the villainous Mr Curtain and his Ten Men and a formidable enemy with a mystifying ability to track their every move.
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