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It is exactly seven minutes past two o’clock in the morning but I can’t sleep. Not after everything that has just happened. It’s official. The whole world has gone CRAZY!

So, I was asleep (of course I was asleep – it’s the middle of the night!) when I heard noises. At first it was just part of my dream (dreams are strange), but then there were engines and banging and voices and I thought it must be morning, but it was still dark so that didn’t make any sense, so I got up and went to the window and saw soldiers in the street!

About the book

Berlin 1961.

Anja and Monika are best friends – they even share a cat called Otto. But a huge barbed wire fence is built between their apartment blocks – dividing the whole city: the Berlin Wall. Then, Anja discovers that Otto has found a way across.

And if he can reach Monika, so can she …

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